The human body is the largest database in the world.
Healthpass turns this data into real value.
The Healthpass Platform enables consistent and highly secure processing and analysis of personal data in healthcare for medical care providers and patients.

About Healthpass
Healthpass is a project initiated by DATA VALUE Holding GmbH, in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom AG/T-Systems International GmbH. The patient, protection of his data and improvement of medical provision by intelligent networking of data and creation of value are at the heart of the project.
The aim of the project is to establish applications of personal medical data with meaningful Standards in an open ecosystem with technical interfaces and to offer patients, healthcare providers and other market participants a highly secure platform to integrate the centralised operation and trust management of their data.

‘The next medical revolution will be the intelligent and secure use of data – on the way to the personalised medicine of tomorrow.’
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gottwald
CEO Ovesco Endoscopy AG and
founding advisory board member of DATA VALUE GmbH
CEO Ovesco Endoscopy AG and
founding advisory board member of DATA VALUE GmbH

‘Medicine has long since arrived in the digital age. Dealings with health data must be intelligent, highly secure, self-determined and responsible.’
Jörn Fechner
CEO Healthpass GmbH
CEO Healthpass GmbH
Get in touch
Healthpass GmbH
Rockwinkeler Heerstraße 42b
28355 Bremen
Tucholskystr. 18/20
10117 Berlin
+49 151 550 010 00